For the fourth year in a row, Ravenscroft's student-led fundraising team for Crucial Catch has been recognized as the top fundraising school in the nation, exceeding their goal of $30,000 by more than $6,000, and once again winning the prestigious Pink Cleat Award.
Little Inventors
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 (No camp in June 19th)
Time: 1:00-4:00pm
Age: Rising Pre-K - 2nd grade
Gender: Coed
Location: Ravenscroft Lower School
Cost: $225
Program Description: Are you ready to innovate? Get your creative juices flowing in this project-based program, where you will identify the need for an invention, think on your feet, and create structures and solutions! Campers also learn about famous inventors and internalize how recent innovations improve our lives.
Instructor: Spark Business Academy