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Little Caps Elite Wrestling Camp

Dates: June 20-23, 2023

Time: 9:00 am-4:00 pm

Age: Rising 1st-6th Grades

Gender: Coed

Location: Richards Hall, Wrestling Room

Cost: $300

Program Description: This program has been developed as a youth wrestling camp for beginning and experienced wrestlers. Days one, two and three are technique focused and Day four finishes up with dual meets that parents, family and friends are invited to attend. Your camper will make new friends in the sport, develop their wrestling skills, and have a great time!

Instructor: Drew Longo was a member of the wrestling team at Lehigh University from 2013-18 and a Captain, 2016-18. During his time at Lehigh Coach Longo was a starter for Lehigh, and EIWA Championships Place Winner, and a two-time Southern Scuffle Place Winner. At Lehigh, Coach Longo also completed his BS in Engineering with an Integrated degree in Humanities. After his undergraduate studies, he went on to earn a a MS in Management. Currently, Coach Longo works full time building Capital City Wrestling's youth and high school programs. He is also an active practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

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