For the fourth year in a row, Ravenscroft's student-led fundraising team for Crucial Catch has been recognized as the top fundraising school in the nation, exceeding their goal of $30,000 by more than $6,000, and once again winning the prestigious Pink Cleat Award.
Keim Center: New space reflects vision for STEM+ and Innovation
The Keim Center for Innovation and Research, designed with twenty-first century teaching and learning in mind, features modern classroom spaces, robotics and technology labs, library resources, and collaboration and community spaces for Ravenscroft's Middle and Upper School students.
Enjoy photos and videos documenting the renovation of our former Library & Technology Center (LTC), which took place in the summer of 2018.
Fly-Through of LTC BEFORE Renovation
Fly-Through of Keim Center DURING Renovations
Doreen Kelly, Head of School, on the Keim Center
Before Renovation
Demolition Phase
In progress
Time Line
Spring Break 2018: Demolition work is done in former admissions space
May 2, 2018: LTC closes to students and staff; demolition begins
Summer 2018: Major structural and trade work is followed by installation of glass walls, cafe equipment and Help Desk in preparation for start of school year
August 27, 2018: Grand Opening and Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
September 2018: Upper School courses such as Robotics, Computer Science, Genius Bar and Innovations begin meeting in classrooms and labs