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Alumni Remember the Music That Defined Their Ravenscroft Years

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We asked our Ravenscroft Alumni Facebook friends: What song, album or artist takes you back to your time as a student at Ravenscroft? Here are some of the responses posted June 26-28, 2020.



Kemmia Ghodrat ’19 (in back row at right) remembers Mrs. Robbin King playing Pharrell Williams’ “Happy” on the Lower School intercom on her last day of fifth grade, in 2012.

Bands such as Brice Street, shown here at the 1987 Spring Formal, likely got many requests for rock-n-roll classics such as “Stairway to Heaven,” which Amy Parker Sparks ’87 also remembers from her Middle School dances.

Above left: The alternative hit “Rock Lobster” by the B-52’s evokes memories of Ravenscroft school dances for Suzanne Brown Fulghum ’88.

Above right: Zac Moretz ’86 says he still remembers hearing Van Halen’s 1983 hit “Jump” for the first time in Mrs. Connor’s classroom.

Lindsey Bledsoe Taylor ’00 (at left) remembers doing wall sits with the varsity volleyball team — shown here in 1999 — while singing Gloria Gaynor’s 1978 hit “I Will Survive.” 

Ravens boogie to their hearts’ delight at this dance captured in the 1984 Corvus.

School dances — such as the 1982 Homecoming Dance, featured in the ’83 Corvus — are a major source of musical memories for Ravenscroft alumni across the decades.

Want to get in on the fun of Ravens Reply? Visit our Alumni Facebook page to add comments to this alumni thread.