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The Ravenscroft Board of Trustees is honored to announce the creation of the Fran and Watson Pugh Society in recognition of their many years of philanthropic support and the lasting impact of their planned giving.

Fran and Watson ’38 have been devoted to Ravenscroft’s success and growth since the 1960s, when they joined efforts to relocate the school from Tucker Street in downtown Raleigh to its current location in North Raleigh, on land adjacent to their bucolic horse farm. Through their service and leadership spanning more than 50 years, their hospitality in sharing the beautiful acreage of Tara Farm with Ravens of all ages, and their generous giving — including bequests and establishing trusts to benefit the school — the Pughs have exemplified commitment to and thoughtful planning for Ravenscroft’s future.

The Fran and Watson Pugh Society recognizes those individuals who provide for Ravenscroft through deferred gifts such as bequests, trusts or other planned gifts. Membership is automatic for those who wish to join the tradition of making a lasting gift to the school and its community.

Penny Abrahams ’93
Chip ’55 and Judy Anderson
Kevin ’82 and Perri Anderson
Cornelius and Demetris Cheatham
Mike and Cecelia Condrey
George and Mary Cunningham
Rebecca Dameron ’77
Jennifer Davis
Charles* and Joyce* Fisher
Bob and Jan Fry
Phil Higginson
Tom and Larry Hines
Anna White Hosea ’98
Cliff and Pam Jamison
Willie and Joretha Johnson
Bill Joyner ’80
Carmin and Laura ’92 Kalorin
Mike and Gail Kansler
Kevin Keim


Chris and Doreen Kelly
Satish and Kim Mathan
John and Caryn McNeill
Amir and Anne ’89 Mehr
Bill ’74 and Mary Moss
Don and Jennifer Munford
Juliette Newcombe*
Mike and Helen Norona
Michael and Candice Olander
Watson ’38* and Fran Pugh
Trent* and Anna* Ragland
Trent ’74 and Wes Ragland
John and Kristin Replogle
Sherwood and Eve Smith
Stuart and Nelle ’83 Schantz
Charlotte Anderson Straney ’64*
Pete and Pickel Tannenbaum
Ed and Kathy White
Robert* and Caroline Williamson
Charles ’78 and Jenny Winston

Planned Giving

A planned gift to Ravenscroft may cost you nothing out of pocket today and can help the school’s future strength and prosperity. Ravenscroft offers an assortment of mutually beneficial arrangements that provide a variety of benefits, including lifetime income, capital gains tax savings, and income tax deductibility.

Since our founding, individuals dedicated to our long-term success have set up planned gifts for the benefit of our students, teachers and programs. Some donors included us as a beneficiary of their will, retirement plan (401(k), 403(b), IRA, etc.) or life insurance policy while others added to our endowment to continue their annual support after they were gone. Each of these individuals believed in our mission and wanted to be sure we could continue to thrive and grow into the future. For this special group, we created a deferred-giving society. The deferred giving society is open to all individuals who have named us in their long-term plans or created an endowment for our benefit.

Your planned gift makes you a member of our deferred giving society, which honors and recognizes individuals who provide for Ravenscroft through planned gifts. To learn more about the ways you can design a planned gift to match your financial situation, contact Ben Rein,  Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement, or 919-276-0137.

Gift Options

Some gifts do not have to cost you anything today but support our mission in the future. These gifts include naming Ravenscroft as a beneficiary of your will or living trust, retirement plan (IRA, 403(b), 401(k), etc.), or life insurance policy.

After naming Ravenscroft in your will, codicil to your will, living trust or as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy or donor-advised fund, designate your gift for a particular purpose that is important to you, or allow us to use the gift where the need is greatest at the time it matures. You can indicate a set amount, a percentage or the remaining balance to benefit our mission.

Through planned giving, your assets remain in your control during your lifetime, and you can modify your gift at any time. Under current federal tax law there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable gifts.

Retirement Plans

Retirement plans and IRAs may be subject to double taxation of estate and federal income tax, with total tax bill to heirs exceeding 50% of the assets – unless directed to a spouse or charity.

Because Ravenscroft is a tax-exempt institution, ownership of retirement assets can pass to the school without taxation. For this reason, it is often a preferred asset to gift to a charity. Alumni and friends who would like to make a tax-efficient bequest should consider naming Ravenscroft as a beneficiary of an IRA, tax-sheltered annuity, or qualified pension or profit-sharing plan—it’s the most tax-efficient way to create a legacy.

Gifts may be for a percentage of the plan’s value and there is no minimum gift amount.

Wills and Living Trusts

A bequest is a gift that comes directly to Ravenscroft upon your passing. It’s flexible in that it can be revised any time, as your circumstances change. An outright bequest is fully deductible for estate tax purposes.

The most common and useful bequest is an unrestricted bequest, allowing Ravenscroft to use your gift wherever it is most needed. However, if there is a particular area you wish to support, the Planned Giving Office will work with you to help ensure that your request is directed appropriately.