An endowment is a legacy and a promise to every future Raven. It is the most enduring investment, providing sustainable financial support in perpetuity, in service of Ravenscroft’s mission.
Our management process for Ravenscroft's endowment is simple yet thorough and aims to maximize investment returns without exposure to undue risk. Overseen by our Board of Trustees Investment Committee, and with the guidance of investment managers and advisors, we follow the guidelines, expectations and parameters outlined in the school's Investment Policy Statement. The school utilizes the services of an independent third party investment specialist benchmarking group to compare the performance of our endowment to peer groups with similar sized endowments on a regional and national basis.
With over 80 funds supporting seven different areas of the school — Academic Excellence, Financial Aid and Diversity, Fine Arts and Aesthetics, Health and Wellness, Leadership and Global Learning, Spirituality, and Unrestricted — endowment is a critical funding source for Ravenscroft and touches every division and department.
If you are interested in learning more or establishing an endowment fund, please contact Ben Rein, Assistant Head of School for Institutional Advancement, at (919) 276-0137 or
Victor E. Bell III ’74 Endowment Fund
Established in 1979 by Victor E. Bell II and Jane McNair Bell. Income is used for special and supplemental educational activities and is divided equally between three areas of the school: fine arts, athletics and academics.
Beyond Z Faculty Enrichment Endowment
Established in 1993 through the Beyond Z campaign. Funds are used for faculty salaries.
Board of Directors Endowment
Established by the Board of Trustees. Funds are used for faculty professional development and grants.
Bold Initiatives Faculty Enrichment Endowment
Established in 2002 through the Bold Initiatives campaign. Funds are used for faculty salaries.
Elbert M. Boyd Jr. Family Endowment Fund
Established in 2001 by the Boyd family. Income is used to support the Math and Science departments.
Paul A. Brissette Family Fund
Established in 1993 by grandparent Paul A. Brissette. Income is used for faculty salaries and enrichment.
Diab Family Endowment Fund
Established in 2008 by Joe (’83) and Ann Diab. Income is used to support excellence in science education.
Isobel Craven Drill Endowment Fund
Established by grandparent Isobel Craven Drill. Income is used for the media centers.
Edward E. Ford Foundation Fund
Established in 1990 through a grant from the E.E. Ford Foundation and two matching contributions. Income is used for Upper School faculty salaries.
Hammersla Family Endowment for Student Support
Established in 2015 by Debbie and Mark Hammersla. Income is used to support the needs of Academic Skills students and the personal development of a designated student through participation in a National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) program.
Helton-Kalorin Family Endowment Fund
Established in 1991 by Charles and Barbara Helton. Income is used to underwrite the Helton Awards that are given to faculty and staff each year in recognition of excellence in teaching and outstanding service to the school. The fund also supports professional development opportunities.
The Mathan Family Endowment Fund
Established in 2017 by the Mathan family. Funds are used to support STEM+ professional development for faculty.
Sara and Andrew May Family Fund
Established in 2016 by Andrew, Sara, Corinne (’12), Vanessa (’14) and Carolyn (’17) May. Income is used to support faculty excellence at Ravenscroft.
Robert P. Neeb Family Endowment Fund
Established in 1991 in memory of Mr. Neeb by his son, Robert W. Neeb, and family. Income is used to support Computer Science and Math departments.
O’Herron Distinguished Faculty Award Endowment Fund
Established in 1995 by Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy O’Herron. Income is used to underwrite the O’Herron Award, which recognizes teachers for their devotion to the teaching profession.
Parents’ Association Endowment Fund
Established in 2000 by the Ravenscroft Parents’ Association. Income is used for capital purchases and endeavors that benefit the Ravenscroft community, faculty professional development and the Parents’ Association Distinguished Faculty Award, and library and media centers and programs across all three divisions.
The Pressel Gillespie Family Fund
Established in 2018 by the Pressel and Gillespie families. Funds are used to support faculty and staff professional development.
Qubain Award for Teaching Excellence Fund
Established in 2000 by the Qubain family. Income is used to support the Qubain Award for Teaching Excellence, which recognizes deserving teachers in all three school divisions.
Ravenscroft Faculty Excellence Endowment Fund
Established in 2015 by Robyn and Jim Ziperski. Income is used to support the recruitment, retention, ongoing professional development and recognition of best-in-class faculty.
Sloan Family Endowment Fund
Established in 2015 by Temple and Joy Sloan. Income is used to support the Ravenscroft Student Support Program.
Annie Tongue Fund
Established by friends of Annie Tongue, longtime teacher at the Tucker Street campus, at her retirement. Income is used to support the Lower School.
The Warner Family Endowment for Technology & Innovation
Established in 2018 by Michael and Amelia Warner. Funds are used to enhance student learning programs in coding, coding application and the use of technology in scientific innovation.
Clarke Worthington Fund
Established by friends and relatives in memory of Clarke Worthington, Upper School academic dean, upon his death in 1990. Income is used for faculty enrichment.
Anderson Family Legacy Scholarship
Established in 2014 by Judy and Chip (’55) Anderson. Income is used to provide financial aid to the children or grandchildren of alumni who are in Upper School and who qualify for financial assistance.
James E. and Mary Z. Bryan Foundation Fund
Established by the James E. and Mary Z. Bryan Foundation. Income is used to provide scholarships at Ravenscroft.
James E. and Mary Z. Bryan Fund for Ravenscroft School
Established by the James E. and Mary Z. Bryan Foundation and held by the North Carolina Community Foundation. Income from this fund provides scholarships at Ravenscroft.
Condrey Family Fund for Financial Aid
Established in 2015 by R. Michael and Cecelia Condrey. Income is used to support financial aid for Ravenscroft students.
Crosby-Washington Diversity and Inclusion Fund
Established in 2013 by the Crosby and Washington families. Income is used to support diversity and inclusion training including efforts by the Parent Supporters of Diversity and Inclusivity Committee.
Educational Endowment Fund
Established in 1995 by an anonymous family. Income is used to provide need-based financial aid to deserving families.
The Fledgling Fund
Established in 2017 by Geoffrey and Courtney Brock. Income is used to support financial aid in Lower School.
Hianik Family Scholarship
Established in 2014 by Iren and Mark Hianik. Income is used to provide financial aid to one or more Upper School students who qualify for financial assistance.
Robert P. Holding Jr. Scholarship Fund
Established in 1979 by family and friends in memory and honor of Mr. Holding upon his death. Income is used for scholarships for academically talented and well-rounded students.
Kelvin Jones Family Endowment Fund
Established in 2016 by Kelvin Jones and Kathleen Webster-Jones. Income is used to support need-based financial aid for African-American or Hispanic students entering the sixth grade or above.
Joslin Scholarship Fund for Minority Students
Established in 1988 by former trustee William Joslin. Income is used to provide financial aid to minority students.
Mann Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 1998 by the Mann family. Income is used to support need-based scholarships for African-American or Hispanic students entering the sixth grade or above.
James and Connie Maynard Scholarship Fund
Established in 2015 by James and Connie Maynard. Income is used to support students in grades Kindergarten through third who require significant financial aid to attend Ravenscroft.
Philip C. Miller Family Scholarship Fund
Established by Philip and Thelma Miller. Income is used to fund the Miller Scholars program for a new ninth-grade student.
Pretzer-Salisbury Family Fund
Established in 2015 by Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Pretzer and Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Salisbury. Income is used to support faculty professional development and financial aid at Ravenscroft.
W. Trent Ragland Fund
Established in 2008 with a gift from W. Trent Ragland Jr. in honor of the legacy of Lewis “Snow” Holding. Income is used to provide financial assistance to students and faculty for special opportunities for growth and learning at the discretion of the Head of School.
Ravenscroft Financial Aid Fund
Established in 2014 by the school through the Embrace Possibility campaign. Income is used to support the financial aid program at Ravenscroft.
Ravenscroft School Opportunities Fund
Established in 1993 by former trustee and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Courtney R. Mauzy Jr., and added to by Michael (’77) and Tal (’77) Mangum. Income is used to provide scholarship assistance to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who exhibit academic and personal strengths, interest in school programs, the commitment and desire to excel, and financial need.
The Schneider Family Endowment
Established in 2017 by the Schneider family. Funds are used to support financial aid.
Layne Stirman Endowment Fund
Established by Dr. Jerry A. Stirman in memory of his son, Layne, who was killed in a plane crash in 1995. Income is used to provide need-based financial aid to deserving students enrolled in the Academic Skills program.
Vinson Family Endowment
Established in 2016 by Mrs. Tammy A. Vinson and Dr. Britt D. Vinson ’86. Income is used to provide financial aid at the discretion of the Head of School.
White Family Endowment Fund
Established in 2015 by Ed and Kathy White. Income is used to support financial aid and faculty professional development.
B. Robert Williamson Jr. ’75 Alumni Scholarship Fund
Established in 2013 in memory of B. Robert Williamson Jr. ’75. Income is used to provide financial aid to children or grandchildren of alumni who need financial assistance in order to attend Ravenscroft.
Ione D. Pegram Endowment Fund
Expenditures from the Fund shall be used to provide a need-based scholarship to a rising sixth grade student.
Jamison Family Endowment
Expenditures from the Fund shall be used to support non-tuition expenses for financial aid students and for student government activities in Upper School.
Jack and Marilyn Budrow Strings Endowment Fund
Established in 2011 in honor of Jack and Marilyn Budrow in recognition of their years of service to the Fine Arts Department. Income is used to support the strings program.
CBHT Thespian Endowment Fund
Established in 2005 by Lisa Heinz. Income is used to support the theater program at Ravenscroft.
Johnson Endowment for Music
Established in 2004 by Bill and Sally Johnson in honor of their daughters, Hannah ’99 and Emlyn ’04. Income is used to support a Master Class Program, in honor of Jill and Lorenzo Muti, former fine arts director and fine arts faculty, to attract distinguished musicians to visit the school and conduct musical workshops for students at Ravenscroft and other local independent schools and universities.
Lewis R. “Snow” Holding Endowment Fund for the Fine Arts
Established by special friends to honor Mr. Holding and held by the North Carolina Community Foundation. Income is used for the Fine Arts Department.
Robert P. Holding Jr. Garden Fund for Ravenscroft School
Established by First Citizens Bank and held by the North Carolina Community Foundation. Income is used for maintenance expenses of the Holding Memorial Garden.
Hunter Family Scholarship in the Fine and Performing Arts
Established in 2000 by the Hunter family. Income is used to provide a scholarship for rising ninth-grade students in the Fine and Performing Arts.
The William H. Joyner Family Fund for Music
Established by Mr. (’80) and Mrs. William H. Joyner. Income is used for private music lessons for three Upper School students per year.
The Weiler Family Fund
Established in 2017 by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weiler. Income is used to support Lead From Here and fine arts at Ravenscroft.
The Gupta/Agarwal Family Endowment
Established in 2017 by Mona Gupta and Tarun Agarwal. Income is used to provide professional development for faculty and staff to enhance their education and understanding of student wellness and mental health.
Edward W. Nielsen Memorial Fund
Established in memory of Mr. Nielsen by Mrs. Nielsen. Income used to support the soccer program.
Norona Family Gift Fund
Established in 2018 by Mike and Helen Norona. Income is used to recognize and support the role that health and wellness play in the education process.
Ravenscroft Athletic Club Leadership Fund
Established in 2016. Funds are used to support professional coaching development for faculty and staff in the Athletics program.
Ravenscroft Athletic Endowment
Established in 2008 by the Ravenscroft Annual Golf Classic. Income is used to promote excellence in interscholastic athletics at Ravenscroft.
Ravenscroft Student Support Program Endowment Fund
Established in 2014 through the Embrace Possibility campaign. Income is used to support the Student Support Program at Ravenscroft.
Rusty Lewis ’88 Fund
Established by friends and family in memory of Rusty Lewis ’88. Income is used to support the Rusty Lewis ’88 Sportsmanship Award.
The Mehr Family Fund for Sports Medicine
Established in 2018 by the Mehr family. Funds are used to support sports medicine at Ravenscroft.
The Michael P. Ressner Family Fund
Established in 2018 by the Ressner family. Funds are used to support the boys lacrosse and boys and girls soccer programs.
Student Athlete Endowment Fund
Established in 1993 by two Ravenscroft families. Income is used for students in need of financial assistance for off-campus trips, athletic equipment and other needs.
Jeffrey Takacs ’78 Endowment Fund
Established by faculty and friends in honor of Jeff shortly before he died of cancer. Income is used to support outdoor educational experiences for a rising junior or Upper School student.
Charles M. Winston Sr. Student Support Fund
Established by Mr. Charles M. Winston Sr. ’47 and Mrs. Florence Winston. Income is used to support the Student Support Program.
Mary Grady Bell Leadership Fund
Established in 2014 by Vic (’74) and Mary Grady Koonce (’81) Bell and Mary Grady Burnette Bell ’14. Income is used to support the development of altruistic service within Ravenscroft by promoting strategic acts of kindness, compassion, empathy, generosity and selflessness.
Beller Family Leadership Initiative Fund
Established in 2012 by the Beller family. Income is used for programs devoted to the development of leadership qualities in academics and athletics, including but not limited to development of curriculum and promoting student attendance at leadership conferences.
June A. Crumpler Memorial Education Fund
Established by Al Crumpler in memory of his father. Income is used to support programs promoting quality parenting.
Davidian Family Fund
Established in 2018 by Dr. Daniel K. Davidian Sr. and Dr. Tracy L. Davidian in support of Embrace Possibility. Income is used for Lead From Here, Student Support and financial aid.
Global Parent Ambassadors Fund
Established by Gail and Mike Kansler. Income is used to support the activities and programs of the Global Parent Ambassadors.
The Keim Family Endowment
Established in 2017 by the Keim family. Funds are used to support Lead from Here, the softball program and STEM+.
Kelly Family Endowment Fund
Established in 2015 by Doreen and Chris Kelly. Income is used to support Lead From Here and financial aid at Ravenscroft.
Leadership and Citizenship Endowment
Established in 2014 through the Embrace Possibility campaign. The funds are used to support all aspects of Lead From Here.
Lichtin Family Leadership Fund
Established by the Lichtin family. Income is used to support leadership programs in the Upper School.
Lichtin Family Professional Growth Fund
Established in 1992 by the Lichtin family. Income is used to support faculty enrichment.
Connie M. Maynard Faculty Enrichment Fund
Established in 2001 by James and Connie Maynard. Income is used to underwrite summer enrichment programs for faculty.
Prof. William A. McKnight Endowment Fund
Established in memory of Prof. William A. McKnight by Norva M. Bounds, his daughter and a former Ravenscroft Spanish teacher. Income is used to support Upper School foreign language instruction.
McNeill Family Endowment Fund
Established in 2015 by Caryn and John McNeill. Income is used to support Lead From Here, financial aid and the Student Support Program.
Mundra Family Fund
Established in 2006 by Pam and Sanjay Mundra. Income is used to support Global Studies initiatives at Ravenscroft.
Robert T. Newcomb Ethics and Leadership Fund
Established in 2008 in honor of Robert T. Newcomb ’78. Income is used to support programs at Ravenscroft that promote and teach leadership and ethics.
Parents’ Association Embrace Possibility Fund
Established in 2015 by the Ravenscroft Parents’ Association. Income is used to support the four pillars of the Embrace Possibility Campaign: Lead From Here, Student Support Program, financial aid and the Fund for Ravenscroft.
Replogle Family Global Experience Fund
Established in 2016 by Mr. John B. Replogle and Mrs. Kristen G. Replogle. Income is used to support Global Programs at Ravenscroft.
Stansell Family Leadership Fund
Established in 2017 by Mr. Kevin S. Stansell and Dr. Dani Stansell. Income is used to support Lead From Here at Ravenscroft.
Winston Endowment Fund
Established in 2014 by Jenny and Charles (’78) Winston. Income is used to support Lead From Here and the Student Support Program at Ravenscroft.
Cherie Fowler FCA Endowment Fund
Established in 2006 by friends of Cherie Fowler, former physical education teacher and coach. Income is used to support the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Ravenscroft.
Fry Family Fund for Spiritual Growth
Established in 2005 by Mr. and Mrs. Bob J. Fry. Income is used to support and enhance the spiritual foundation of Ravenscroft students by supporting such programs as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and Campus Chapels, which are representative of the Christian faith.
William Isaac Procter Fund
Established by Dr. William Procter in memory of his father. Income is used to support the graduation speaker or other special speakers.
Joyce Browning Fund
Established in 1992 by friends of Joyce Browning upon her retirement. Income is unrestricted.
The Charles W. Gaddy Family Fund
Established in 1990 by the Gaddy family. Income is unrestricted.
Lewis R. “Snow” Holding Endowment Fund
Established by special friends to honor Mr. Holding. Income is unrestricted
R.P. & Maggie B. Holding Endowment Fund for Ravenscroft School
Established in 1998 by the R.P. Holding Family Foundation and held by the North Carolina Community Foundation. Income is unrestricted.
The Kerner Family Endowment
Established in 2017 by the Kerner family. Income is used to support school operations.
The Eve Munford Fund
Established in 2015 by Jennifer and Don Munford. Income is used to support school operations.
O’Neal Family Endowment Fund
Established in 1998. Income is unrestricted.
Ravenscroft Memorial Fund
Established in 2007 by the Board of Trustees to receive contributions in memory of faculty, staff, students and families. Income is unrestricted.