Our more than 130-acre campus features facilities typically found only at the college level. The Fine Arts Center, Lower School, and Lower School Fine Arts Center house two theatres, four dedicated music rehearsal spaces, five dedicated art studios, a darkroom, eleven private lessons studios, classrooms and the offices of the full time Fine Arts Director and full time Fine Arts Administrative Assistant. Our facilities house fifteen full time band, choir, drama, strings, and visual arts teachers, a full time accompanist, an Artist in Residence, and eight adjunct private lessons teachers. Several of the full time teachers also teach private lessons. On campus you will find:
450-seat theatre with an orchestra pit
180-seat black box theatre
Outdoor stage at Holding Garden
Art gallery with new exhibitions each month, often by nationally renowned visiting artists
Permanent art collection with over 85 pieces of paintings, photographs, tapestry, sculpture and other media
Scene shop
Two grand pianos
Upright pianos in eleven private lessons studios
Ravenscroft Fine Arts Facilities are used for curriculum, school performances and, on occasion, guest events. Usage must not interfere with any regularly scheduled curricular class, Ravenscroft activity or event. Ravenscroft Fine Arts Facility use requires direct supervision by a fine arts theatre manager or approved Fine Arts faculty member. Questions regarding the daily schedule should be directed to the Ravenscroft School Fine Arts Department. Use of Fine Arts Facilities by outside groups must be arranged through Dan Ressner, Director of Auxiliary Services, at 919-847-0900 ext 2240. Food and drinks are prohibited in the theatre and black box.