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Day 6

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The Hugh Morton Jr. Collection of Art

Renowned artist Bob Timberlake established the Collection at Ravenscroft in 1997 in memory of his good friend and colleague, Hugh Morton Jr. Morton’s wife, Pansy, taught Spanish at the school, and the couple’s son, Jack ’96, is an alumnus.

“Hugh was a very creative person and he loved art. Every trip we ever took included visits to art museums, and he loved promoting Bob Timberlake’s work,” Pansy Morton said. “He would have loved this honor because it teaches children about the process of creating art, gives them the opportunity to meet many or our amazing North Carolina artists and see them work, and allows them to choose the art for the Collection.

“The whole process gives them true ownership and appreciation of the art. It is wonderful that it is here on the campus for all to enjoy,” Morton added.

A committee of students and faculty visit art venues throughout North Carolina and the East Coast annually in search of artwork to purchase and add to the collection, which is housed in the Fine Arts Center and the Keim Center for Innovation and Research.

Joyce Fillip, former Upper School art teacher and initial curator of the collection, served as the curator of this art collection, working with students and other faculty members to make the collection a showcase of outstanding talent.

“The art of collecting is reinforced by the existence of the Hugh Morton Jr. Art Collection at Ravenscroft,” Fillip said. “The purpose of such a collection is to educate students and the general public to the value of sponsoring art and to enrich our lives by living among beautiful and original works of art.

"Our collection is also used for teaching as a tool to explain techniques and styles through the examples that we have collected," she added. "The idea of collecting can be a passion that one continues throughout a lifetime. It can be an endeavor that can increase in value throughout one’s lifetime and be passed onto future generations.”

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