Ravenscroft School athletic training room is located in the A.E. Finley Activity Center main hallway between the men’s and women’s locker rooms. The athletic training room hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 3:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. and Saturdays per arrangement of practices and games. There is a Certified Athletic Trainer on duty for all home contests also Monday through Friday during normal hours of operations. Athletic training room access available with prior arrangements includes ice, heat, whiropool and ultrasound.
Ravenscroft School athletic training department will provide the visiting team water coolers and injury ice on the bench prior to the start of pre-game warm-ups. If the visiting team is not traveling with a trainer they are to contact Ravenscroft prior to arrival and notify the training department of any special needs that be identified at the time.
Emergency Equipment – The host training facility may make available emergency medical equipment as required by the visiting team. This will include AED’s and might also include: crutches, immobilizers, ace bandages etc. All equipment that is borrowed must be returned at the earliest convenience possible.
Emergency Assistance – The host training facility shall provide the visitors with a list of emergency phone numbers. These numbers should be those that the home team would use in a similar situation.
Team Physicians – The host institution will make the visiting team aware of the presence of a team physician.
Facilities – The host will provide training and treatment facilities whenever and wherever possible upon request.
Supplies – All teams shall travel with an appropriately stocked first aid kit.
Return to Play Decisions – When a team is traveling without its own Certified Athletic Trainer or only with a student assistant trained in first aid, the team’s coach and/or student assistant shall consult with the host institution’s Certified Athletic Trainer regarding all return to play decisions for student-athletes injured during conference competition.