Ravenscroft’s Helpdesk is staffed by members of our Technical Services team and supports students and families as well as employees. Email the Helpdesk for the following concerns:
- Students can receive support for their school-issued Chromebooks at the walk-up Help Desk in the Keim Center for Innovation and Research or by emailing helpdesk@ravenscroft.org to coordinate a time with a staff member.
- The Technical Services team also assists students with issues accessing school-provided electronic resources, including the Student Portal, Canvas and Google Workspace for Education (Gmail, Google Drive).
- The Director of Educational Technology supports instructional and EdTech platforms such as Canvas, Kami and apps used for coursework.
- The Technical Services team supports families with access to the Parent Portal and other Ravenscroft systems they may log in to.
- In collaboration with the Director of Educational Technology, we also guide parents in how they can access course information for their child within our learning management system, Canvas, via the observer role, and for action items such as signing up for conferences.