John Meier P’31 ’31 ’32 ’36 is a practicing internist and pediatrician in Raleigh. Prior to returning to medical school later in life, Meier had several roles at United Technologies and Kieffer Paper and Pulp Mills, including manufacturing operations and as a CFO/COO doing a turnaround for a private-equity firm. He currently serves as the secretary/treasurer and member of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Medical Society. In addition, he serves on the Board of Carolina Complete Health and Key Physicians, as the Chairperson of the North Carolina Medical Care Commission and as a co-pack leader for Cub Scout Pack 325.
Meier has an undergraduate degree from Princeton University, and an MBA and medical degree from the University of Chicago.He completed his internal-medicine and pediatrics residency at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill and served as a chief resident at WakeMed Hospital. In 2023, Meier completed a master’s degree in quantitative management with a focus on health analytics at Duke University. He is a fellow in the American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Physicians, American College of Physician Executives and Healthcare Financial Management Association.
Meier lives in Raleigh with his wife, Emily, and sons William ’31, Andrew ’31, Henry ’32 and Charles ’36. While at Princeton, Meier took a two-year leave of absence to be part of the winning 1987 America’s Cup yacht, Stars and Stripes, and then backpacked around the world for six months. Consequently, the Meiers enjoy traveling, exploring and learning.