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Day 4


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Day 4

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Contact Us

Our campus is located at 7409 Falls of Neuse Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27615. 

Newton Road Entrances Closed During the School Day: Both Newton Road entrances will be closed between 8:15 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. during the school year. Should you need to travel to or from campus between 8:15 a.m. and 2:15 p.m., please plan to use the Falls of Neuse Road entrance.

The gates will be open as usual for morning drop-off and afternoon pickup. The gates will also be opened in advance of any major campus activity (such as sporting events) where traffic is expected to be heavy.

Ravenscroft's switchboard is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Main Switchboard: 919-847-0900

Direct immediate or emergency issues to Campus Protective Services at 919-369-5927.

Academic Affairs Office: Chris Jackson, ext. 2364
Admissions: Alicia Petty, ext. 2333
Athletics: Grace Edwards, ext. 2263
Business Office: 919-848-6464
Communications/Media Inquiries: Jennifer Davis, ext. 2231
Lower School Dining Hall: ext. 2237
Olander Center Dining Hall: Jackie Thomas
Facility Rentals: Dan Ressner, ext. 2240
Fine Arts: Elisabeth McChesney, ext. 2258
Head of School's Office: Chris Jackson, ext. 2364
Health Services: Rebecca Nelson, ext. 2845
Institutional Advancement/Giving: Ben Rein, ext. 2232
Lower School: Melanie Eldredge, ext. 2255
Maintenance: Megan Moody, ext. 2803
Marketing/Advertising: Jennifer Davis (email preferred for marketing and advertising inquiries)
Middle School: Savannah Johnson, ext. 2248
Protective Services (Safety & Security): Tommy Vestal
The RavenZone: Suzgo Kumwenda-Smith, ext. 2800
Security (After Hours): 919-369-5927
Student Life Office: Chris Jackson, ext. 2364
Summer Programs: Dan Ressner, ext. 2240
Technology: Louis Tullo (Help Desk)
Upper School: Jacqueline Goodson-Smith, ext. 2241
Website: Kara Durrette

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