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Learn about our academics, our ongoing commitment to community, culture and belonging, the many ways students and their families can get involved at Ravenscroft and more.


At Ravenscroft, there are no limits for learners. With an emphasis on academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, hands-on exploration and collaboration, Ravenscroft develops the fullest potential of our students. Our rigorous curriculum blends academic programming, citizen-leadership learning, spirited athletics and vibrant arts education to equip our students with the knowledge and skills they need to soar. Our Ravens become creative thinkers, capable achievers and thoughtful leaders, ready for the real world and eager to make it better.

Our Campus

Ravenscroft’s beautiful campus is situated on 135 wooded acres in North Raleigh, approximately 15 minutes from both downtown Raleigh and Raleigh-Durham International Airport.

Ravenscroft facilities include the Olander Center for Student Life at the A.E. Finley Activity Center, Holding Hall Lower School, featuring dedicated PreKindergarten and Kindergarten centers, Middle School, Murphy Hall Upper School, Keim Center for Innovation and Research for Middle and Upper School students and Winston Library for Lower School students. 

Lead From Here

Ravenscroft joined forces with the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) to pioneer a groundbreaking, PreK-12 curriculum designed to teach the leadership skills that will prepare our students to become citizen leaders. 

The competencies in our Citizen Leader Framework span beyond the classroom. They can be seen on the sports field, the art room, the stage and every day in our community. In every sphere of student life, our students learn to seek academic excellence and model leadership.

Community, Culture and Belonging

A significant part of supporting our mission is Ravenscroft’s ongoing commitment to be a school that feels safe and inclusive for everyone. 

Lead From Here provides the educational framework for teaching and learning to Lead Self, Lead With Others and Change Your World; and it is through our citizen leadership education that we are able to nurture and support our inclusive community and deliver on the promise of our mission.


The Ravenscroft experience spans the classroom, the sports field, the art room, the stage and the community. 

Ravenscroft is a supportive, warm community that values diversity, equity and inclusivity and the unique gifts each individual on campus brings to our shared experience. As students develop the competencies that will help them succeed in an unpredictable world, Ravenscroft becomes a community of citizen leaders.

Framing Our Future

Ravenscroft has always dared to dream big dreams and then worked hard together to achieve them. In the words of longtime Ravenscroft board member and visionary Fran Pugh, “Everything we do, we do for the kids.”

In partnership with our Board of Trustees and the Leadership Team, we conducted research and sought feedback from our academic community, alumni and parent groups to help shape and inform Ravenscroft’s strategic direction, establishing a new plan for our future that will allow us to best meet the contemporary needs of students over the next five years.


Meet Derrick Willard

Ravenscroft is pleased to welcome Derrick Willard as our 15th Head of School.

Mr. Willard brings over 28 years of experience serving in education, with more than 27 years of leadership in independent schools. In previous roles, he has raised $10M for a new state-of-the-art sciences and engineering facility and has been responsible for all academic programs, policies and practices for three school divisions — recruiting, hiring, mentoring and evaluating hundreds of faculty.

Derrick Willard Gonet Gateway


The Ethos of Our Community


Only at Ravenscroft

We invite you to learn more and experience a culture of citizen leadership that is incorporated in every dimension of the Ravenscroft community.